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Agent with a History

Page 93

"We are being followed Flint!"

He glanced in the mirror and wryly grinned, "Fancy that. Guess it was a good hunch I had, huh?"

"Who are they?"

"My guess, seeing the lack of air support that they have, is that they're probably one of the terrorist groups in search of an unlimited meal plan."

Oh great, we're being chased across the desert by terrorists that probably out number us twenty five to one or more!

"So what are you going to do when we run out of gas?"

"I've got a plan."

"Does this plan involve procuring other transportation? Because if you're headed for Ethiopia, I wish to state that I don't much fancy the idea of walking across the entire Sahara to get there!"

He just looked over at me with a cheesy grin and didn't answer. He had to have something up his sleeve; I just hoped it was something good.

Five hours later the rover lurched and then stuttered and I glanced pointedly over at him. It got worse and then the rover died and we came to a stop in the sand. I glanced back at the still visible dust trails of our pursuers. That wasn't good!

All I had was the 9mm that Tyre had given me. It was something, but right now I felt like the only peace of mind to be found in this situation would be the comforting weight of an assault rifle and several grenades.

Flint got out grabbing up his pack along with him and started walking up the sand dune directly beside us. Seriously! This was his plan? Drive into the dessert until you're out of gas and then walk? This is the Sahara! What kind of idiot was he?

He turned briefly and called back ,"You're not just going to sit there are you Lisa? Come on!"

I got out, slamming the door hard behind me, and yelled back, "It makes more sense then what you're trying to do!"

He didn't pay any attention to me, but instead, just kept climbing up the steep dune. I mentally stabbed him in the back as he climbed. This was all his fault! Trust him, he says! Look where trusting a man has gotten me this time! I started up the dune after him.

I'd been sweating in the rover, but within minutes I was completely drenched. It was so hot! In an hour I'd be completely dehydrated and easy pickings for the terrorists behind us, thanks to the genius up ahead of me. I let my mind go into just how stupid I thought all of this was.

His voice from higher up interrupted my chain of turbulent thought, "You know I can hear you?"

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