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Agent with a History

Page 79

He stepped back out of the shower and I watched him go reluctantly. I felt all warm and gooey inside and it had nothing to do with the warm water pounding on my back.

I stripped my sodden clothes off and finished my shower, grateful to wash the filth of the harbor away. I stepped out and dried off with some nearby towels. Now for some clothes. This didn't look like the main cabin so I might be out of luck. I checked the drawers first. Nothing. I went to a small armoire and opened it.

"Oh my!"

Before me was quite the array of lingerie, everything from not so modest to downright bare.

"Are you serious?" I exclaimed.

The only clothes for women onboard the ship was this collection? What kind of man exactly was this friend of Flint's?

I invaded the room across from mine to find it fully stocked with men's clothing. I got a shirt and a pair of pants, which I had to hold up with a belt. I made my way topside in time to see the harbor fading away behind us. I found Flint at the helm and his eyebrows quirked up at the sight of my baggie attire.

I answered the unasked question of why, "Apparently your friend prefers his lady friends to prance around his ship in nothing except what's acceptable in a stripper joint."

Flint shook his head wryly, "Yeah, that about describes Frank."

"Your friend literally just lets you borrow a several million dollar yacht, when you call him up and ask him for it?"

"How much is a life worth? I've saved his on several occasions and gave him a tip once that paid off in the purchase of several yachts larger than this one, if he wanted to upgrade."

"Still, how are you going to return it?"

"I won't be. If your moral fibers are rising indignantly about it, I'll see that he gets another one."

I studied him for a long moment, "Just how rich are you?"

"Enough." he responded with a half smile.

"Where are we going?"

"Morocco. If all goes to plan, I'll pick up a plane there from an acquaintance."

"Another largess borrow?" I quipped.

"No, this time I'm going to steal what I need and you're going to help me."

My jaw fell open.

"If it makes you feel any better, stealing the plane will cut down on the drug trafficking for a few days."

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