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Agent with a History

Page 61

I sobbed hard, as I clutched myself with my arms. I was all alone! Through the blurriness of my tears I saw Flint kneel down in front of me. I don't know where he came from. That didn't matter. He was here and I was glad to see him, stranger that he was. I melted against his chest, relishing the strength of the arms that closed securely around me.

How had I managed to live the twenty seven years of my life without the comfort I felt from the big hands rubbing my back and the comforting aroma of his masculine presence. I didn't know, but I never wanted to be without it again!

He held me for a long time and then, picking me up, said, "We need to get you cleaned up. I bet a nice hot shower would feel good."

That did sound really good. Dimly I noticed that he was climbing stairs and then he sat me down in a luxurious looking bathroom.

"You've got fluffy towels, a fuzzy bathrobe, and all that feminine hair product gunk you females seem to think you need. I think you're set."

I smiled a little. This must be a female's domain. Whose female?

He answered my jealous question without meaning to do so, "This all belongs to a female coworker of mine. You'll probably meet her sometime in the future. Use whatever you need to, I know she wouldn't mind. She has clothes in the other room. The pants might not fit as you're several inches taller than her, but you're both similarly curvy and well…" He stumbled for a second. "Endowed, so the shirts and other stuff should fit."

I could see him struggling not to, but his eyes drifted downward anyway to see the evidence of his words. I minded it a lot when the Galloways of the world eyed me over, but Flint was different. I wanted him to look.

He looked away out the door. "Well, you have what you need. I'll lay some clothes out for you. If you throw your dirty clothes out into the other room, I'll get rid of them for you."

He started to go without ever looking back at me. "Flint could you do me another favor please?"

He looked at me, "Sure anything!"

"Could you get me something more comfortable to wear shoe wise? I can pay!"

He glanced down at my boots and visibly winced, "Ouch! Yeah sure. What's your size?"

I told him and he was gone, closing the door behind him. I stripped everything off, noticing the bullet burns on my shoulder and thigh for the first time. I had been very lucky. No, make that blessed.

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