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Agent with a History

Page 43

We both looked at each other for a long moment and then I glanced away at the ocean, as we by mutual agreement let the silence lengthen. Well I had my answers. My father was guilty of murder once again, and yet he was one of the few people in the world that, because of wealth and connections, would never be brought to justice.

I had a terrorist cell that wanted me dead so I didn't spoil their fundraiser for their next global jihad. I was a prime candidate to be seized by the CIA or some other agency and water boarded, until they had what they needed to reinstate the gold standard and kill inflation, all done in the name of what was best for the greater good of the people. And then, of course, there were the Chinese that would throw me in a hell hole somewhere and rape and beat me practically to death, until I told them what they wanted.

Then they would let me mercifully die, rotting in a cell somewhere far from the range of any media attention. It was a rather bleak future to consider. I really should have just kept driving, but it was too late for that now.

"I can protect you." I looked over at father, studying him and his offer.

He appeared sincere enough, but it was a self evident truth that my father's deals always got back far more than was given out.

"Does anyone know of what significance I am in finding the treasure?"

"No, I don't think so. That is, other than your brothers and sisters, and you can be sure that they have plans of their own!" He looked away his gaze troubled and then surprisingly he admitted, "I'm no longer in control of everything like I used to be. It is hard to grow old."

That was a shocking revelation coming from my father. I was surprised his ego would allow him to admit such a thing. I got up and he looked at me speculatively.

"Am I free to go or are you going to hold me here as your prisoner?"

"You are free to go, but I will be watching."

"I never doubted it father."

I turned to go, but he caught my arm. "The detective that saved your life, I am very grateful to him. I set up trust funds for his two children to be managed by their mother."

That further revelation shocked me. I knew he was just trying to buy my affection, but he hadn't had to do it in that way. "I thank you for that."

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