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Agent with a History

Page 41

I tried not to let it show how much he had unsettled me, but I couldn't help the quiver that rocked through me, as his hand slipped under my hair and closed around the back of my neck securely. He lowered his head until my eyes could meet his, as I tried to hold my breathing steady and not let the fear I felt show.

This was nothing but another power play, an effective one at that. I tried to relax under the grip of his hand, but it was hard.

"Lisa, I could have killed you at any point over the past two years, since I've known of your whereabouts, if I had so wished to."

I met his gaze unflinchingly. "Perhaps you were waiting till you could do it yourself." I said evenly.

"I have to admit your sharp tongue has been a pain at times, but killing you would be such a waste!" As he said it his hand left my neck to slide around and pull my chin up.

His smile disappeared as his thumb stroked the healing cut on my cheek bone. "Who did this?"

"One of your men!"

"I will see that he is dealt with!" Which meant killed, I dryly acknowledged in unspoken terms.

"You needn't bother, he's already dead." I replied.

"Good girl!" He said before stroking my cheek once more with his thumb before letting go entirely, which I was grateful for.

He moved to his chair and sat down a little too heavily. He was getting older. He studied me for a little while.

"Since we have settled the issue of you not being here to kill me and I you in return, what is the real reason for this visit?"

"What's going on father?"

He looked away out over the ocean and then back to me, "The same thing that has been going on for thousands of years, ever since Alexander the Great! The world wants our treasure!"

"It's not your treasure! It's the peoples!"

His gaze grew stormy and I shook my head slightly, "How do you expect me to trust you when you say you have no intention of killing me? You were ready to kill me at sixteen, when I wouldn't tell you what I know about the treasure. Tell me father, what's changed?"

His expression grew serious, "Despite what you may have thought, I was not going to kill you, but I did push you too far. That was very foolish of you to swim across such an expanse of water at night. But it also took strength and courage, both of which, you know, I admire. To be the success you have become in your own right without any help from me, well that has been exceptional to see. You have exceeded all your brothers and sisters in that one regard alone. I look at you and I see more of myself than I can say of any of them!" He said, gesturing towards the house. "You have made me proud!" He finished on a deep note, but I was not impressed.

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