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Agent with a History

Page 109

Marshawn glanced nervously at Flint guessing that his purpose was to help him, "How long?"

"Seventeen seconds." Responded Flint.

Marshawn nodded, "Okay."

I let go and moved off towards the group. I moved through them until my back was to them, as I mentally ticked down the seconds. I reached zero, but nothing happened. What had gone wrong?

"Well what are we waiting for?" Thundered Iya.

"Perhaps your daughter can answer that. Tell me dear have you been waiting for a bang?" Heinrich asked with a nasty smile, as he held up a device that I guessed was Flint's bomb, the timer had been stopped.

"What's going on here?" Iya bellowed.

"Oh everything is quite under control Mr. Muatombo, although, I have to say that your services will no longer be required."

Heinrich clapped his hands sharply and thirty or more heavily armored men poured into the room, with guns trained on Iya and his sons.

"We had a deal Heinrich! Don't think that I haven't taken precautions against something such as this from happening." Iya bit out stone faced, as he was relieved of his pistol.

Heinrich just shook his head. "You actually think yourself intelligent Iya, don't you? You're nothing but a mindless brute, not that I mind, our organization has been making good use of individuals like you to do the dirty work for a long time. You've been nothing but a pawn in our game all along."

Iya completely incensed started for Heinrich, but Heinrich just smiled, "Unless you've discovered a way to walk through bullets I wouldn't if I were you. You're too much of an arrogant fool to even put a vest on like our smart friend over there in the corner. Now there Iya, is a smart man, as is the whole organization behind him. Discovering the treasure is the crowning achievement of my career, but capturing him is no small accomplishment either."

Iya looked confused, "You're not a banker?"

Heinrich threw back his head and laughed unpleasantly. "Flint tell him. Educate the mindless Jewish brute, if you can."

"I'm not Jewish!" Growled Iya.

"Oh yes you are! Their blood runs thick within your veins!"

Something seemed to dawn within Iya's eyes, as he glanced at Flint.

"Yeah that's right Iya; you hopped into bed with a bunch of Nazis' this time, bum move on your part." Flint responded to the unasked question.

Heinrich looked displeasingly at Flint, "I don't care for your vernacular much Flint! I'll see you suffer for that comment especially. We do not associate in any way with filthy Jews!"

"You collaborate with them to steal their own gold don't you?"

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