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Age of Cosmic Exploration

Page 389

Chapter 390: Entry!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


This was another experiment. This time all 20 animals survived the entry into the four dimensional space. This made the participating scientists cheer out loud. Some of them had a hard time believing that the Hope's AI had suddenly become so powerful that it could completely predict and analyse the various energy patterns inside the fourth dimension.

Regardless, after the last failed experiment, all of the experiments after that were successful; there were no cases of death or twisting. The next experiment would push in 500 animals. If they too returned unharmed, next would be the Hope's first human experiment. The leader of the Diviners would enter the green light.

On the other hand, even though the experiments were successful, the few people who knew the truth were having their own discussions in a secret meeting room.

"Ol' Yao! I refuse to stand by your decision! If it was human, then perhaps we could consider it, but it's just an AI. This kind of situation…"

Guang Zhen slammed the table to emphasize his anger. Xiao Niao beside him said, with a bitter smile, "Commander Wong, she's a sentient lifeform, not an AI…"

"Major Qi Xiao Niao, did you ask your opinion?!" Guang Zhen laid it into Xiao Niao. He declared loudly, "In any case, I do not agree to let it control the entire the Hope. It is not from our race, so it must mean us harm! If it was human, then it would still be negotiate, but handing control of the ship to a non-human and going into a four dimensional space, no matter how I look at it, this is a suicide mission. This is asking for human extinction…"

Yao Yuan sighed and he looked at Guang Zhen seriously. "Ol' Wong, do you really think… She cannot take over the Hope if she wants to? Do you still remember the incident with the cursed planet? She has shown that she can take over the Hope if she wanted to, so why hasn't she if she means us harm? Even though I am the leader of humanity, I am not conceited enough to think human civilization is advanced enough to deal with the creation of a high tier space civilization. In other words, if she really wanted to end it, she could have done it a long time ago. Instead of predicting each other's intentions, why not make use of this opportunity to feel her out? If she doesn't do anything harmful to the Hope after we allow her to take control, then this means that she doesn't mean us harm and we can sleep easier at night."

Guang Zhen replied with the same serious countenance, "But have you thought about the risk involved? This is four dimensional space, if…"

"Enough." Yao Yuan put his hand up. "This is an order! Commander Wong, please follow my order!"

After a short silence, Guang Zhen stood at attention and gave Yao Yuan a salute. "Yes, Sir!"

Yao Yuan nodded. "Sit down, we'll discuss the next agenda… Whether to enter this ruin."

Just like that, after the successful human experiment, where the only bad effect was there was a new discovery of a disease called fourth dimension blindness, all the other vitals were perfectly fine. Under these circumstances, the Hope finally decided to enter this layer of green light, the fourth dimension!

"Energy control normal, anti-gravity system normal, structural integrity in place…"

In central command, Yao Yuan sat in the captain's chair, listening to the various reports. When everything was ready, he ordered the Hope to enter the green light. At the same time, in a screen that only he could see, ZERO reported that she was ready.

Yao Yuan sighed slightly in relief. From his Diviner power, he realized that there were indeed multiple dangers in this green light, but these dangers either weren't fatal or weren't directed at the Hope. Of course, if little Eva was around, then it would be perfect, as she was like a golden finger that could give plenty of benefits to the Hope… Not to be ignored was Jay's large scale hypnotic power as well…

Yao Yuan sighed once more and kept his thoughts to himself. Now he needed to focus completely in his role as the captain of the ship, or else something irrevocable might happen due to his carelessness. If it was something bad… then he really wouldn't have the face to still lead the human race, if the human race still remained that is.

The Hope was actually not far away from the green light, but since this was the cosmos, this distance that was not far still required several hours of travel time. In this period, other than holding down the fort at central command, Yao Yuan continued conversing with ZERO. Even though this ZERO showed obvious sign of being not interested in the conversation, she responded to him better than Guang Zhen and the likes, who simply refused to talk to him about this.

"…ZERO, you must be extremely careful. This entry into the green light, we humans have placed our complete faith on you. This action that gambles the race's entire future and existence, losing is really not an option. You have to be 100 percent confident…" Yao Yuan's fingers swiped the transparent keyboard floating before him. A few sentences appeared on the small screen to his side. This was the channel he used to communicate to ZERO.

ZERO's answer came after a long time. "Don't worry, you've said this 47 times already. I'm a sentient lifeform, not some lowly AI, how could I make a mistake on something like this… Furthermore, this is just a four dimensional space, this is a cakewalk for me."

Yao Yuan smiled a slightly bitter smile. Just a four dimensional space… This was something that could destroy everything in the three dimensional cosmos, it was something humanity could only simulate, something that could tear humanity's understanding of science to its foundation, something that was unlike the existence of magic or miracles to human minds, yet it was "just" a four dimensional space for ZERO…

Yao Yuan suddenly asked, "ZERO, actually I have two questions that I've been meaning to ask you but haven't had the chance. Since we're cooperating this time, then if I may be so forward, do you mind answering these questions… One is the UFO, are you controlling it? Two is about the existence of your previous owner. Where are they now? How advanced was their technology? High tier space civilization? The legendary level 9 space civilization?"

"Level 9? Legendary?" Even though it was only written, Yao Yuan could discern the heavy sarcasm and condescension in her words. Then he saw what ZERO continued to write.

"This cosmos is bigger than you imagine. It is more than just space, or more accurately, it is more than the space that you can see and feel. This fourth dimension is the perfect example. It also includes the time in space as well as the energy layer and physical illusory layer. Even beyond that, there is a space of ideal material and heart. You humans are still too young, as young as the unicellular organisms of a new-born planet. You wish to understand the whole mystery of the cosmos in your current state? Impossible… This cosmos is bigger than you can imagine, bigger than your scientists can imagine, so much bigger that even how much bigger is on scale that you cannot fathom. Therefore, the civilizations among all these layers are innumerable as well, and the so-called legendary level 9 space civilization is only legendary in your limited worldview…

"I will answer your second question first. I do not know the level of the civilization that created me, but I can reveal to you a simple message: this civilization… is at least a god-tier space civilization!"

When he saw the words "god-tier space civilization," Yao Yuan felt the air in his body being sucked out. His heart was palpitating and he even broke out in cold sweat. Thankfully, due to his training and decades of experience, he slowly calmed down and returned to normal.

ZERO acted as if she hadn't just revealed an incredible secret. This was information… that would interest level 9 space civilizations, and she was hiding inside the spaceship of a level 2 space civilization. This also made Yao Yuan more determined on preserving the secret existence of this UFO inside the Hope.

After a break for food and a short rest, the Hope was slowly approaching the green light. They were so close that they could already see it with the naked eye. Many alien spaceships still entered the green light with extreme regularity. Ever since the Hope had stopped here, at least a million alien spaceships had entered the green light. And now it was the Hope's turn…

"Inspection of anti-gravity system completed…"

"Inspection of the propeller device completed…"

"All devices and machineries that can cause irregular force within the Hope have been stopped…"

"Control of the ship has been taken by the AI…"

Guang Zhen sat in the captain's chair and ordered all the workers present, "I order for the Hope to enter the green light."

"Vice Captain's order, the Hope is entering the green light!"

At the same time, as the Hope would enter the green light in a few minute, Yao Yuan brought along Ren Tao, Xiao Niao, Zhang Heng, Bo Li, and a few Black Star Troopers to the Hope's central mainframe. This was a decision made by Yao Yuan after he conversed with ZERO…

As they entered the fourth dimension, he wished to see this UFO of a god tier space civilization for himself, to see what secrets it was hiding!

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