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Addicted (Club Destiny 2.5)

Page 17

Great. At least they were already on the topic. “Yeah.”

“Well, as you can imagine, Sierra heard about it and now she wants to attend.” Cole interjected, sounding as though he were skeptical of the idea. “Luke doesn’t see an issue with it.”

Shit. Logan didn’t see an issue with it either, except for the fact that Sam and Sierra in the same room might not work out the way Logan planned. Women got touchy about stuff like that sometimes.

“She is going to beg until she’s blue in the face and you know it. Before it’s over, we’re going to give in, so I say we just fucking tell her yes now and get it over with.” Luke said in typical Luke fashion.

“Well, I can already see that we might have a problem.” Logan told his brother. “I was planning to bring Sam.”

“Have you talked to her about this?” Cole asked.

Before Logan could answer, Luke offered his insight. “I imagine that if Sierra knows about it, Sam does to. I’m surprised she hasn’t brought it up yet, but maybe that means she doesn’t want to go.”

“That might be true. I don’t see that happening, but it might. Let’s just say she does want to go. How’s that going to work?”

“What do you mean how?” Luke asked sarcastically. “Do you really need a lesson?”

“Oh shut the fuck up. You know what I mean.” Logan laughed. “They’ve become close friends, and you know women. Do you think they’ll be onboard if they’re both in the room?”

“Shit. He’s got a point.” Cole said. “Why don’t you and Sam wait until next month and Luke can bring Sierra tomorrow.”

“I don’t think I can hold that woman back for another month. I figure since she and Sierra are at lunch as we speak, I’ll likely get an earful about it tonight anyway.”

The three men sat at the table for a moment, entirely at odds on how to handle the situation. Logan knew what he wanted, and he didn’t know how Sam would react, but if he had any hopes of settling her down even a little, he was going to have to bring her to the club tomorrow night and just let it work itself out.

“What does Tag think about all of this?” Cole asked after a few silent minutes passed.

“I’m waiting for him to call me back. I can’t imagine he’ll tell me no.” Logan told Cole, knowing that his stepbrother was usually game for whatever came up.

“No, I don’t see him saying no.” Cole agreed.

“What if they want this? What if neither of them cares the other is going to be there?” Luke asked, staring back at Logan this time. “You know as well as I do that there are usually only a handful of couples that show up each time, so it’s not like we can keep them from seeing one another, but maybe this is just what they need. Shit, Sierra’s insatiable. For a woman who had never been introduced to this lifestyle, she sure seems smitten with all of it.”

Cole laughed. “She’s eager to try anything and everything. And good grief, I think she’s just lucky to have both of us, or she might just never be satisfied. I know I wouldn’t be able to keep up with her by myself. Shit, my dick would be broken by now.”

That made both Luke and Logan laugh.

“Well, I think we know what the next steps are. I’m going to talk to Tag first, and once he’s onboard, I’ll talk to Sam. I’ve got to tell her that Sierra will be there, and I suggest you do the same. I wouldn’t want to be left standing there holding my dick when she realizes her best friend is naked and getting fucked just a few feet away from her.”

Luke and Cole glanced at one another, smiled. And Logan chose to get up and leave. He had to find Tag or all of this would be moot anyway.

Logan had just pulled out of the parking lot when his cell phone rang. He hit the button to route the call to the Bluetooth speaker. “McCoy.”

“Hey, man. It’s Tag. Sorry, I’ve been in meetings this morning. That damn crazy bitch is still trying to force Luke’s hand on this.” Tag said, making reference to Susan Toulmin.

“No problem. Look, I’ve got a favor to ask.”


“Are you serious?” Sam couldn’t believe her ears, and she needed to know more. Why hadn’t Logan told her about this? Sierra smiled mischievously back at her as she pushed her plate away.

The two of them had met for lunch because Sierra insisted there was something she wanted to talk about. Since they’d been having lunch several times a week, Sam didn’t think anything of it. Their conversations were usually laced with some juicy details of what was going on with their significant others, but today Sierra had thrown Sam a curveball.

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