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A Tutelarius Love

Page 34

Megan forced a smile. "Not with your instructions, I hope. I came out here to be alone."

Clara ducked her head down as she climbed into the car. "I didn't tell him much." She started the engine, avoiding Megan's gaze. "If you need anything. Let me know."

Megan watched as the car backed down the drive and started down the road. How much had Clara told the man, intentionally or otherwise? It gave her an eerie feeling. So the man was following her. The big question was, why? Was he up to no good, or had Dad sent him - or maybe Denton? Clara thought the stranger's interest was personal, but she couldn't be farther from the truth. Oh, he was interested all right - interested in collecting the money offered to keep an eye on her. Or was it something more sinister? But no - if his intentions were ill willed, he would hardly have expressed his interest to an obvious town gossip. Either Dad or Denton had sent him to spy on her.

There was a positive aspect to the situation, though. If either of them had sent the man, he could be trusted, that was sure. And maybe he was a nice man. The next question was, would he drop by the cabin or simply watch from a distance?

The idea gave her a strange feeling of warmth and excitement. What was it about the man on the airplane that she found so enticing? Or was she merely getting that lonely? Ridiculous. She had lived in an apartment by herself for several years now and thoroughly enjoyed the solitude. Not that she had the opportunity to spend many evenings by herself. Still, maybe the stranger would be good company. She shook her head. Here she was, thinking about a complete stranger as a companion. How desperate could she get?

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