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A Lot like Love (FBI/US Attorney #2)

Page 8

This was no Italian-loafer wearer. Unlike Cal Kittredge, this man was good-looking in a rugged, masculine way. There was something a bit . . . rougher about him. Except for his eyes. Green as emeralds, they stood out brilliantly against his dark hair and five o’clock shadow as he watched her intently.

He took a step forward.

Jordan took a step back.

A slight grin played at the edges of his lips, as if he found this amusing. Jordan wondered how fast she could make it to the emergency panic button underneath the bar.

The blond man, the one wearing glasses and a camelcolored trench coat, cleared his throat. “Are you Jordan Rhodes?”

She debated whether to answer this. But the blond man seemed safer than the tall, dark one. “I am.”

He pulled a badge out of his jacket. “I’m Agent Seth Huxley, this is Agent Nick McCall. We’re with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”

This caught her off guard. The FBI? The last time she’d seen anyone from the FBI had been at Kyle’s arraignment.

“We’d like to discuss a matter concerning your brother,” the blond man continued. He seemed very serious about whatever it was he needed to tell her.

Jordan’s stomach twisted in a knot. But she forced herself not to panic. Yet.

“Has Kyle been hurt?” she asked. In the four months her brother had been in prison, there already had been several altercations. Apparently, some of the other inmates at Metropolitan Correctional Center figured a wealthy computer geek would be an easy mark. Kyle assured her that he could hold his own whenever she asked about the fights during her visits. But every day since he’d begun serving his sentence, she’d worried about getting that phone call that said he’d been wrong. And if the FBI had sent two agents to her store during a blizzard, whatever they had to tell her couldn’t be good.

The dark-haired man spoke for the first time. His voice was low, yet smoother than Jordan had expected.

“Your brother is fine. As far as we know, anyway.”

Jordan cocked her head. That was an odd thing to say. “As far as you know? You make it sound like he’s missing or something.” She paused before folding her arms across her chest. Oh . . . no. “Don’t tell me he’s escaped.”

Kyle wouldn’t be so stupid. Well, okay, once he’d been that stupid, actions that had landed him in prison in the first place, but he wouldn’t be that stupid again. That was why he’d pled guilty instead of going to trial. He’d wanted to own up to his mistakes and accept the consequences.

She knew her brother better than anyone. True, he was a technology genius, and assuming there was a computer anywhere within reach of the inmates, he could probably upload some code or virus or whatever that would spring open the cell doors and release all the prisoners in a mad stampede. But Kyle wouldn’t do that. She hoped.

“Escaped? That’s an interesting thing to say.” Agent McCall looked her over. “Is there something you’d like to share with us, Ms. Rhodes?”

Something about this special agent rubbed Jordan the wrong way. She felt as though she were facing off against an opponent holding a royal flush in a game of poker she didn’t realize she’d been playing. And she wasn’t in the mood to play games with the FBI right then. Or ever. They’d charged her brother to the fullest extent of the law, locked him up at MCC, and treated him like a menace to society for what, in her admittedly biased opinion, was simply a really bad mistake. By someone with no criminal record, she noted. It wasn’t like Kyle had killed anyone, for heaven’s sake, he’d just caused a bit of panic and mayhem. For about fifty million people.

“You said this is about my brother. How can I help you, Agent McCall?” she asked coolly.

“Unfortunately, I’m not at liberty to fill you in on the details here. Agent Huxley and I would prefer to continue this conversation in private. At the FBI office.”

And she would prefer to say nothing at all to the FBI, if they weren’t dangling this bit about Kyle over her head. She gestured to the empty wine shop. “I’m sure whatever it is you have to say, the chardonnays will keep it confidential.”

“I never trust a chardonnay,” Agent McCall said.

“And I don’t trust the FBI.”

The words hung in the air between them. A standstill. Agent Huxley intervened. “I understand your hesitancy, Ms. Rhodes, but as Agent McCall indicated, this is a confidential matter. We have a car waiting out front and would very much appreciate it if you came with us to the FBI office. We’d be happy to explain everything there.”

She considered this. “Fine. I’ll call my lawyer and have him meet us there.”

Agent McCall shook his head. “No lawyers, Ms. Rhodes. Just you.”

Jordan kept her face impassive, but inwardly, her frustration increased. Aside from her general dislike of the FBI because of the way they’d treated her brother, there was an element of pride here. They had come into her store, and this Nick McCall person seemed to think she should jump just because he said so.

So instead, she held her ground. “You’re going to have to do better than that, Agent McCall. You sought me out in the middle of a blizzard, which means you want something from me. Without giving me more, you’re not going to get it.”

He appeared to consider his options. Jordan got the distinct impression that one of those options involved throwing her over his shoulder and hauling her ass right out of the store. He seemed the type.

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