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A Lot like Love (FBI/US Attorney #2)

Page 37

Xander’s party was typically an event she looked forward to every year, but on this night she counted the minutes until she and Nick could leave without bringing attention to themselves. A long two hours later, they made their way to the waiting Town Car and settled into the backseat. As soon as the driver shut the back door, Jordan opened her mouth, needing to know something.

Nick put his hand on her leg, just above her knee, and squeezed. He held her gaze and shook his head in a barely noticeable gesture. Don’t.

She closed her mouth and watched him for some further sign.

The driver climbed into the car and looked at them in the rearview mirror. “Back to your house, Ms. Rhodes?”

“Yes,” Nick answered for her. He turned back to Jordan and acted as if nothing was amiss. “Did you have a good time tonight?”

Jordan may not have had a clue what was happening, but she understood that she needed to play along with the small talk. “I did. You?”

“I found my introduction to the wine scene very interesting. And speaking of interesting, remember that project Ethan and I have been working on? I got an e-mail from him this evening with some unexpected news. I’ll show it to you.”

He handed his phone to Jordan. When she took it, she saw a warning typed onto the screen:WE’RE BEING WATCHED


A chill ran down her back. Watched by whom? And why? She handed Nick back his phone, her heart suddenly racing. “That is unexpected news.” She fell quiet, not sure she could keep the tremor out of her voice.

Nick did something unexpected. He reached out and covered the top of her hand with his. “I’m on it.” The steadiness of his gaze confirmed just that. “Trust me.”

Jordan took a deep breath, realizing that she did trust him. She didn’t know Nick all that well, and frankly didn’t like—well, mostly—what she did know, but she had no doubt that he could handle whatever problem was thrown their way. So she left her hand where it was, covered by his.

When the Town Car finally came to a stop in front of her house, she resisted the urge to immediately jump out. Instead, she waited with forced patience as the driver handed her a clipboard with a bill for her to sign. She quickly added in a tip, scrawled her signature, and gave him back the clipboard. “Thank you.”

“Any time, Ms. Rhodes.”

She opened her door and stepped out of the car without waiting for the driver—a minor breach in Town Car etiquette, but she had more important things to focus on than playing the part of the pampered rich girl. Being followed by unknown villains and engaging in domestic espionage tended to put one’s priorities in perspective.

She met Nick at the sidewalk—he’d gotten out of the car as soon as she had—and he took her arm and led her toward her house. She saw him look casually past her, to the street.

“Keep walking at a regular pace,” he said low in her ear. “We’re just a regular couple, coming home from a party.”

“Could you please tell me what’s going on?” she whispered back.

“A car turned onto the street and parked a few houses down. The driver turned off the car but didn’t get out. People don’t usually sit in cars with the heat off on cold nights like this.” He opened the front gate and led her toward the stairs. “You’re rushing, Jordan.”

Yes, true, she had picked up the pace. She began heading up the steps to her front door. “It’s thirteen degrees outside,” she whispered impatiently. “And we’re supposed to be on a date on Valentine’s Day, remember? Maybe my character is simply eager to get to the hot sex part.”

Nick caught her at the top of the steps and pulled her closer. “That’s not a bad idea.”

Jordan’s heart began to race faster. “What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly.

His eyes burned into hers, brilliant green in the moonlight, and there was no mistaking his intentions. “It is our cover, after all.”

“You’re going to kiss me here? Now?” she whispered.

He raised his hand to cup her cheek. “Yes. So make it look good, Rhodes.”

Without another word, his mouth came down on hers.

At first, the kiss was light and teasing as his lips gently brushed against hers. It took Jordan a half second to respond, but then she realized something: he was playing with her. Trying to take control with his whole I’m-in-charge, Mr. FBI Agent routine.

The hell with that, she thought. If there was going to be kissing involved in this undercover operation, she was going to do it right.

She slid her arms around Nick’s neck and pressed closer. She parted her lips and kissed him back, softly melding their mouths together. She felt him freeze—ha, ha, he hadn’t been expecting that—then suddenly—

—He was kissing her. Really kissing her. And . . . wow. With his hand still holding her cheek, his tongue circled around hers in hot sweeps that made her breath catch. They kissed until the cold February air turned warm around them and crackled with electricity. She sank her fingers into Nick’s hair, and had to fight back a gasp when he moved her backward and pinned her firmly against the front door.

Without breaking the kiss, he grabbed for the small silver purse that dangled from her wrist and rummaged inside. He pulled her keys out, reached past her hip, and fumbled with the lock. She felt the door give, and in a breathless bundle they stumbled inside the house.

Nick slammed the door behind them, and neither of them moved. He trapped her between his arms, his lips barely an inch from hers as he stared down into her eyes. “Do you kiss all your fake boyfriends like that?” he asked raggedly.

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