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A Howl for a Highlander (Heart of the Wolf #10)

Page 37

Even if Duncan hadn’t been one of the people Sal had stolen from, he was still a wolf, and once a wolf knew of a crime committed by another of this magnitude, the wolf or any other had to take care of the perpetrator as soon as possible. That made her think Sal must have isolated himself from wolves all along.

Sal would have to know the trouble he would be with any wolf pack. He kept quiet.

“If you didn’t send the men, and I can’t imagine anyone else who would do such a thing, who did?” Duncan growled. “Believe me, if I get hold of the other man—and this is one damned small island, considering square footage to hide in—I’ll be sure to find out all the details from him.”

Duncan was letting Sal know that he was vulnerable, despite his guard dogs and bodyguards.

Sal still didn’t speak. Duncan mouthed to Shelley, “Carlotta.” His eyes were nearly black. She knew Duncan was concerned even more now about her own safety.

“Hell,” Sal said. “I’ll take care of it.”

Yeah, he’d take care of the other wolf because he didn’t want Duncan to learn who sent the men. But for once, Shelley smiled. How had the tables turned so quickly that now Sal was on their side, in a manner of speaking?

Not really, of course. Because not only had he ruined so many financially, but Shelley had learned from the news stories that at least four individuals had committed suicide over the losses. Two because they’d lost their jobs with their firms over it. Two because their life savings had been tied up in those funds and they were losing everything they owned. So in essence, he’d committed murder by suicide. Shelley was certain that none of the men would have considered killing themselves if Sal hadn’t brought them to financial ruin.

At least Sal would make every effort to get rid of the other wolf who had come to the villa. She suspected that the wolf was trying to get a boat or plane ride off the island pronto before he was shark bait, too.

“Did you break into my house?” Sal finally asked.

Duncan frowned. “I’m sure you have it heavily secured if you’re worth so much. Your estate is probably filled with priceless treasures. Why would I attempt such a thing? Why would I feel the need?”

Long silence filled the airwaves. Shelley wondered what had happened. She mouthed back to Duncan, “Carlotta?”

Duncan said silently, “Possibly.” He turned his attention to Sal. “What was stolen?”

Again, an unfathomable silence. Then Sal cleared his throat. “Were you at the airport anytime last night?”

He’d evaded Duncan’s question, which made Shelley wonder what was missing at his estate. But the airport question really threw her.

Duncan raised his brows at Shelley’s surprised look. “Why would I have been at the airport? I was taking care of wolves who threatened me and my own. After that, I returned to Shelley and stayed with her the rest of the night, if it’s any of your concern.”

Sal swore under his breath.

“What happened at the airport?” Duncan asked, sounding more curiously amused than concerned.

Chapter 16

Shelley wondered what could have gone down that had Sal worried about Duncan breaking into his estate. Sal didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes after Duncan’s question about what trouble might have occurred at the airport, which made her wonder what had happened there, too.

Sal finally said, “All right, listen. I want you to know I had nothing to do with the two wolves that came to your place. As far as Shelley goes, she’s yours, beyond a doubt. But I’m going to need some protection. Do you have any training in that? Beyond what I’ve seen you can do as a wolf to a man?”

Duncan and Shelley’s startled gazes met. Protection? What had happened?

“Protection?” Duncan asked, his voice betraying his surprise.

Duncan couldn’t offer to protect the bastard. Not when Sal owed so many millions in stolen funds. Sal had to disappear after that—permanently. He’d caused deaths. It wasn’t just a matter of stealing money from wealthy folks. He had ruined people and led some to commit suicide. The bastard had lived like a king off their money without any remorse whatsoever. More than that, once the Feds caught up to him, he’d go to prison. There was no escaping that eventuality.

Moreover, she didn’t think Duncan could promise to keep him safe, then go back on his word. Not as honorable as he seemed to be.

What if Duncan asked for his clan’s money again? What if Sal agreed to pay it? Then Duncan would feel obligated to protect the bastard.

From what or whom, though? Carlotta? Or was he thinking Duncan could protect him from the Feds? Had the government learned he was here?

No, she thought, it was someone else. One pissed-off mate, a woman scorned. Had she heard about Shelley and now planned to feed her mate to the wolves? If she had to get rid of her mate, Carlotta would no doubt keep trying to eliminate Shelley also, perhaps being angry at her for having to kill her mate.

“Three of my bodyguards have gone missing. I have no idea what happened to them. None of them have taken a flight out of here. They were just… gone this morning when I walked out to the pool and found the dead man floating face down in the water.” Sal sounded tired and anxious.

“I called for my bodyguards. No one came. My guard dogs were all gone, too. Vanished. My private plane is gone. Hell, I need protection. I know we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot with each other, but after you took on the two men, well, you’re not one to piss off. So I’m willing to pay good money…”

Shelley and Duncan exchanged dark looks.

“…to ensure that I don’t meet with an untimely death,” Sal quickly finished.

“Who would want to eliminate you, and for what reason?” Duncan asked coolly.

“It’s none of your damned concern. The woman is yours. I won’t even hazard a glance in her direction. I need a damned reliable bodyguard and am willing to pay top dollar, depending on your worth. You’d be in my employ. My reasons for anything I do are my concern, not yours.”

“I’m not for sale. If you didn’t send the wolf goons to eliminate me last night, then who did? The same people who are giving you grief? I’ll take my chances protecting Shelley here. You’re on your own.”

“Damn it! How much do you frigging want?”

Duncan smiled, but the look was pure evil.

Shelley could imagine just what Duncan wanted—his clan’s money and for this scum to never take another breath.

“Kenneth,” Sal said, sounding shocked, but he wasn’t talking into the mouthpiece of the phone now.

“Hell, boss, where is everyone? No dogs greeting me, no guards anywhere. Are you leaving the island?” Kenneth asked, speaking in the background.

“Where the hell have you been?”

“With Rose. You said I could have the night off to be with her. She’s been giving me grief for leaving her alone so much.”

As if Sal finally remembered he had been having a phone conversation with Duncan, he said into the phone, “Think about it. I’ll pay you a thousand dollars a week to guard me until I can leave the island.”

The phone clicked dead.

If Sal wanted to leave the island, even though his private plane was no longer available, why not just book a commercial flight out? Carlotta must have sent a pilot to fly the private plane home, taking Sal’s bodyguards and guard dogs with him.

Still why wouldn’t Sal have just hopped on a pedestrian flight with the rest of humanity? No passport? Had Carlotta had someone steal his passport? Even with his money, it would take him some time to get another one.

Duncan shook his head. “This is bad, Shelley. Really bad.”

“Do you think Carlotta’s just trying to scare him? Or do you think she’s hoping you’ll kill him now that he has no protection?”

“Either could be a distinct possibility.”

“So what do we do? If you ask for the same amount again, he’s going to get suspicious. Even if he felt his miserable life was worth it and he could hand your clan’s money over to you, then what? You can’t let him get away. The Feds or Interpol or someone is going to pick him up eventually. Then they’ll put the wolf in jail, and…”

“Right now, all I care about is protecting you, Shelley. If Carlotta is behind this, and I highly suspect she is, she’s not only after revenge for her wandering mate, but also after you, not me, for breaking up the family. As far as I’m concerned, you’re all that matters. She had to have sent the two wolves. When she learns they didn’t accomplish her mission, I wouldn’t put it past her to send more.”

“But your family’s money. If Carlotta kills her husband, then she’s…”

“Got control over all the money. Sal’s too greedy to realize he’s stolen from a wolf pack, and she may not realize it, either. If he dies, we go after her.”

She sighed. “All right. I guess that means I need to cancel the trip to swim with the stingrays today.”

“No, we’ll go. She can’t do anything to you or me while we’re in the public view. Since I’ve taken care of one of her men, all we have is one left to deal with. From the way he ran last night when I tore into his companion, he’s not as alpha as he tried to act.”

Another thought made her shudder. “The other bodyguards all disappeared. Would the two men have killed them before they came to see us?”

“Maybe. Or maybe his bodyguards were bribed to leave on a boat. Carlotta might have even paid them to leave on the private plane. The thing is, money does talk. Carlotta’s got enough of it to do whatever she wants. Sal should have realized that before he began to play this game over you.”

Shelley figured Sal thought he was invincible. Maybe he’d always fooled around with human types, and as long as Carlotta was floating in dough, she didn’t care. Picking up another wolf? That might have earned her ire, something Sal hadn’t anticipated.

“If Sal is alone, he won’t be able to take down the other wolf. I doubt he’s much of a wolf fighter. Since Kenneth is human, Sal can’t let him suspect what he is, so he can’t solicit his help,” Shelley said.

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