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A Dangerous Love

Page 34

They finally reached the creek, where Giddon stopped long enough to scoop her into his arms. For a moment he looked down at her, his expression somber. It felt good to be off her feet, even if only momentarily and in such a manner. She encircled his neck with one arm, noting that his breathing didn't seem at all labored as he carried her across the creek.

On the other side of the creek he set her down. Again he gazed down at her.

"Feeling a little better?"

She nodded. Better would be a long time coming, but she felt more in control of her emotions.

"Good." He pulled her into a gentle comforting hug.

She leaned against his chest for a moment, comforted by his sympathetic embrace. His hands gently pulled her head back and before she comprehended his intent, he kissed her lips. For a moment his warm lips felt reassuring, and then reality broke the spell. She turned her face away, twisting free of his arms. The jerk! How could he take advantage of her that way? She slapped his face.

His mouth twisted into a sardonic smile. "That would have been more convincing if you hadn't been so willing at first."

Her face burned. "Of all the . . ." She lifted her hand to slap him again.

He grabbed her wrist, his eyes flashing fire. "I'll make you a deal," he spoke evenly, "you don't hit me and I won't hit you."

She jerked her wrist from his hand and turned away, thankful at least for the warning. Still, what could he expect? He was no gentleman, and she'd best keep that in mind.

He stepped around her and remained silent all the way to the ATV. His brisk walk was stiff. Maybe he was angry. It didn't matter.

She mounted the ATV behind him and hesitated before putting her arms around his waist. Maybe he wouldn't bite, but he'd certainly take advantage of her. In the end, there was no choice. He started the engine and she clamped her arms around him, clinging to him as he spun the tires in a spray of pebbles and rocks. At one point he splashed through a mud puddle, throwing mud and water all over her.

By the time they reached the house, she was shivering and stiff. She stumbled as she dismounted from the ATV and Giddon reached out to help her. She knocked his hand away and headed for the house in a stiff jointed hobble.

Giddon reached the door before she did and opened it for her, his smile wry.

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