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A Change of Hearts

Page 24

“What’s it doing?”

“It’s wandering around in circles and it’s not at all afraid of us.”

“I’ll be home in a few minutes. Stay in the house.”

Carmen watched with Destiny while they waited anxiously for Alex. It didn’t take long for him to get home, and when he came in from the garage, he went directly to his gun cabinet and took out a rifle. Loading it quickly, he watched the skunk from the house for a few minutes. Without comment, he went outside and shot it. Pulling gloves and a bag from his pocket, he proceeded to collect the grisly specimen. Finally he came back to the house and put his gun up.

“I think it’s rabid,” he said as he pealed his gloves off. I’ll send it off to find out.”

Carmen stared at him. How could he be so calm about it? She watched him wash his hands.

“I didn’t see it until it was close to Destiny.”

He nodded and looked at Destiny as he spoke.

“Any time a wild animal isn’t afraid of you, something is probably wrong.”

“It isn’t the first skunk I’ve seen around here,” Carmen said, “but it’s the first time I saw one acting like that. I’ve seen opossums that weren’t afraid of me, though. They can be downright cantankerous.”

He picked up the bag and smiled. “I’ve got to get back to work. Keep Destiny away from where I shot it. I kicked dirt over the spot.”

“I’ll shovel it off somewhere and bury it,” she said, following him out to the garage.

“Good idea.” He paused and kissed her on the lips. I’ll see you tonight.”

When Alex came in that evening, he announced that he was making another trip to Texas. He said he would be gone for two days, but didn’t say why he was going. Carmen waited until after the children were in bed before questioning him.

They were sitting beside each other, reading when she began the inquest.

“When are you leaving?” she asked.

“Next Monday,” he answered, not taking his eyes off the book he was reading.

“Why?” She said, watching him.

He glanced up at her. “That’s the soonest I could get a flight.”

“I mean, why are you going?”

He lowered the book. “It’s nothing you want to be involved in, Carmen.”

His condescending tone was as annoying as the words.

“Is it something you want to be involved in?” she asked.

“No,” he said, lifting his book.

“Dismissed,” she said under her breath.

He didn’t look up. He might not have heard what she said, but he must have heard her speak. He was shutting her out again. Katie said she should confront him when he did that – tell him how it made her feel. Maybe she was right, and if Alex hadn’t been such a perfect husband in every other way, she might have done it. Still, she did have the right to know.

She imagined all kinds of reasons why he wouldn’t want her to go – none of them good. Maybe it was the thing with Dulce again. Maybe that was what he had been so preoccupied with lately.

“I hate it when you do this to me,” she finally said softly.

He looked up in surprise. “What?”

She met his gaze. “You spring something on me and then you just shut me out – like what I feel isn’t important.”

His gaze ran over her face searching – maybe surprised that she spoke her mind. For some reason, that gave her the courage to continue.

“I don’t know what’s been bothering you lately, but if I’ve done something, I wish you would tell me. I feel like . . . sometimes I’m afraid I’m holding you back.”

She blinked to relieve the stinging in her eyes. It was exactly how she felt. She was the country bumpkin that he had to drag everywhere or be accused of being insensitive. She didn’t want to cry. He’d feel sorry for her and she didn’t want that.

He put the book down and slowly stood. His movements were deliberate as he walked toward her – as if he were measuring every word he was about to say. He reached down and took her hands, pulling her into his arms. When he gazed into her eyes, his voice was deep and warm.

“You’re my greatest strength, Carmen. I respect and admire you more than anyone I know.” He pulled her close, stroking her hair. “Sweetheart, this problem is of my making. I know you would stand beside me – maybe even in front of me with the intent of protecting me. I want to be able to focus on solving this problem, not worrying about what might be said or done to you.”

She tipped her head back and gazed up at his solemn face.

“If I would be in danger, then so would you.”

His smile was sad. “The only danger I’m in is financial.”

So that was why he didn’t want her to be involved. It was all about money – his money. How could a man with four million in the bank be in financial danger? Maybe it had something to do with his investments. It was possible that his father had given up on him. Then again, maybe he was being sued. No wonder he had been so solemn lately. He had a family to support – and two more children on the way. Her stomach twisted.

“Do we still have the money for the babies?”

He nodded. “That and the money set aside for Jonathan & Destiny’s education can’t be touched.”

She reached up and stroked his cheek. “I don’t want you to lose anything, but you know I’d want to be with you even if we didn’t have a dime to our name.”

He kissed her. “I know, sweetheart, and that is a comfort, but it won’t be that bad.”

Whatever the problem was, it remained in his mind alone. Frustrating as it was – as he was – it would do no good to question him further.

Later that night she woke and lay awake thinking about the way he had responded. He seemed sincere, but it could have been an act – a manipulation. One word was missing in all that . . . Love. He said he admired and respected her, not that he loved her. He hadn’t said that for a while. As a matter of fact, he hadn’t said that since he spent half the night with his old flame. Maybe it wasn’t Dulce he was going to see. Maybe it was Tessa. Hadn’t they talked enough?

She rolled over and jerked the covers up. There was no point in working herself up this way. Alex would never cheat - not on someone he respected and admired more than anyone he knew.

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