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A Change of Hearts

Page 14

Whatever the issue was, the conflict between Alex and Dulce remained. But Carmen had better luck with Señor Medena. His attitude toward her did an about face so obvious that even Jonathan noticed.

“I think grandfather likes you,” he said one morning to Carmen.

She finished buttoning Destiny’s dress. “I hope he likes us all.”

Alex spoke from behind her, his tone less than friendly. “I don’t see why it matters.”

Carmen glanced up to find him frowning down at her. She shrugged.

“Whether we want to admit it or not, we all wish everyone would like us. We accept that they don’t, but we still want to feel welcome.”

Alex merely grunted. He’d been in a grumpy mood since he got up. Maybe he was unusually hungry. He didn’t eat much supper. Hopefully he wasn’t coming down with something – though Alex was rarely ever sick.

Carmen stood and took Destiny’s hand. “We’d better go down for breakfast. I’m starving.”

When they arrived downstairs, everyone was waiting.

“I’m sorry we’re late,” Carmen said. “We didn’t mean to keep all of you waiting.” She helped Destiny into her chair and smiled thanks to Alex as he held hers.

“You are not late.” Señor Medena said. “We are all early.”

Dulce glanced at her father and then at Carmen, her dark eyes barely veiling contempt. When Alex gave her a stern look, her hostile gaze shifted to her plate.

Dulce and Alex had such a strange relationship. One minute Dulce didn’t hesitate to argue with him, and the next he could subdue her with a stern look. Actually, the latter had happened only in the presence of their father. Carmen shifted her attention to Señor Medena, who was focused on Alex at the moment.

“Son, you will look at the new mares?” he asked.

Alex stiffened with the first word. He responded without interest, never taking his attention off his plate.

“I told Morino last night that I would look at them before we left.”

“We’re leaving tomorrow, aren’t we? Carmen asked.

“Tomorrow afternoon,” Alex responded as he spooned eggs into his plate from a Silver tray.

It would be good to get home – away from all the finery and hostility. However, at this point most of the hostility was centered around Dulce and Alex. Hopefully he would be in a better mood after they got back home. The Alex she met and fell in love with was confident and generally happy. She longed to be with that Alex.

After breakfast, Morino arrived and took Alex and Jonathan out to see the mares. Alex seemed to be more comfortable around Morino than he was around his father’s family. Felipa took Destiny to see a Disney movie, saying that Mama needed some time to herself.

Carmen couldn’t deny that fact. She went upstairs and changed into Jeans and a fitted blouse. She was lounging on the bed reading a magazine when someone knocked on the door. She opened it to find Señor Medena waiting outside. He smiled graciously.

“I hope I do not disturb you,” he said. I would like your opinion on a house I would give as a wedding gift.”

Carmen frowned. “Me?”

His smile was every bit as charming as Alex’s – minus the dimple.

“Yes,” he said. “You are a woman who has . . . conservative taste.”

Well, she certainly couldn’t deny that. “Where is this house?”

“A few miles,” he said. “Not far.”

Something about the way he was acting gave her the impression that he was lying. Immediately she was alert. Did he arrange to have Alex out of the way, or was he simply taking advantage of the situation? Nothing she had seen so far led her to believe Señor Medena was the type who asked for advice – least of all, hers. And yet, lately he had seemed to warm to her. Was it a ploy to gain her trust?

“I’ll have to tell Alex,” she said, pulling the cell phone from its sheath.

The smile faded from his face. “You must ask him about every small thing?”

“I want him to know where I am in case he returns,” she said, flipping open her phone.

“He will not return before we get back,” he said quickly. He watched anxiously as she dialed the number.

Alex didn’t answer and it went to his voice mail, so she left a message.

“Alex, I’m going to look at a house with your father. He says it’s only a few miles away and we’ll be right back. Destiny is with Felipa.”

She flipped the phone shut and put it back in the sheath. She should probably listen to her gut feeling about this. Yet was it actually instinct or was she merely being influenced by Alex’s dislike of his father?

“You will go, then?” Señor Medena asked.

Carmen nodded and stepped out the door. Señor Medena took her elbow in his hand and led her down the hall. The way he did it reminded her of Alex. Again it struck her how much they were alike.

At the car he opened the door for her. The dark interior set off caution bells again. And yet, the driver was there. Choking down fear, she climbed inside and sat down in the luxurious leather seat. He closed the door and walked around to the other side. Carmen didn’t buckle her seat belt. Her fingers searched and found the door handle – just in case.

The driver took them to a Spanish design home a few miles from the hacienda. A wide porch peeked from behind three stucco arches. Something about it looked warm and cozy – like home. What a ridiculous thought. Maybe because it had the same theme of wrought iron and ivory as the hacienda – and maybe they had been visiting too long.

Señor Medena was watching her intently. “You like it, yes?”

She shrugged. “It’s nice.”

Actually, it was way too much house as far as she was concerned, but she wasn’t buying it. At his disappointed expression, she gave herself an attitude adjustment.

“Maybe it’s even nicer inside,” She said with a forced smile.

He nodded, his expression drifting to uncertain.

“Yes. I will show you.”

On the other side of the thick entry door was a sitting room with lush wine colored carpet. It looked as stiff and formal as his hacienda did. An arch separated it from a large living room with a huge fireplace. In a word, it was grand – not cozy, but elegant. On one side of the living room a door opened into a large dining area. The table and chairs were made of a dark rich wood, and the tiles on the floor looked like polished bricks. It had a quiet look of quality that was soothing. The dining room was directly off the kitchen, which was also lavish. The design was nice, with its high ceiling and curved back set with modern appliances. Even the island was nice, but it all looked stiff and formal. On the other side of the kitchen, with an arched door leading back to the living room, was a room that could only be described as the staircase room. A couple of wing-backed chairs and sofa sank luxuriously into that thick wine carpet, but what caught her full attention was the wide curving staircase. The wooden banisters were polished to a high finish, and the hardwood stairs were covered on the walkway with more carpet.

Following Señor Medena up the stairs, she ran her hand along the smooth wood, enjoying the cool silky soft feel of it.

Señor Medena glanced down at her and smiled. “You like?”

“I love it. I really like the look of wood – especially when it looks this graceful.”

A long hallway ran across the back of the upstairs, leading to four bedrooms. The master bedroom had wooden patio doors that opened on a balcony facing east. The room would have been cheerful with the morning sun if the wine carpet and dark walls hadn’t leached the light. Still, it did look stylish.

Señor Medena was watching her again in that strange way, as if it truly mattered what she thought.

He frowned. “You are not impressed?”

She smiled. “On the contrary, I’m very impressed. It’s just not my style.”

He nodded, turning to leave the room. “What is your style?”

She followed him down the hall and down the stairs. “You’ve seen our house. That’s my style. Simple – hardwood floors and lots of light.”

He paused at the foot of the stairs and gazed down at her. “Hardwood floors can be added.”

She smiled. “Of course, but most people prefer the carpet. I wouldn’t change anything. Your new couple can always change that part if they want to.”

“Yes,” his expression was reflective. His focus came back on her. “Still, you like it, yes?”

Something about the way he was watching her felt uncomfortable. She moved away from him, toward the living room.

“So, what’s outside?”

His fingers closed around her arm and he firmly pulled her back. “The patio is this way.”

She twisted her arm from his grip. “Don’t do that.”

His brows lifted. “I apologize. I did not mean to hurt you.”

She rubbed her arm. “You didn’t hurt me.”

“You would like to see the patio?” he continued, as if nothing had happened.

“No, I think I’ve seen enough. You don’t need my opinion on this,” she said as she turned toward the living room again.

She walked the length of the living room expecting to feel that iron grip again, but he merely followed her out the door.

The driver was standing by the car smoking a cigarette as they emerged from the house. His attention was focused on two riders approaching.

Carmen turned and lifted a hand to shade her eyes from the sun. It was Alex and Morino. Alex must have listened to her message. Maybe he wanted to look at the house too.

As he rode into the yard, his expression made it clear that he didn’t come to see the house. He scowled at his father and rode up beside Carmen. Kicking his foot free of the stirrup, he offered her a hand, never taking his eyes off Señor Medena.

Señor Medena shook his head and continued toward the car.

Morino’s uncomfortable gaze shifted from Señor Medena to Alex, and then to Carmen, but he said nothing.

Carmen accepted the outstretched hand and placed a foot in the vacated stirrup. Alex assisted her as she swung up behind him. She gripped his waist as he turned the horse around and headed back toward the hacienda. He never said a word to his father.

When Morino rode far enough ahead so that he couldn’t hear their conversation, Carmen finally spoke to Alex.

“That was embarrassing. He was just showing me a house he said he was giving as a wedding gift. He wanted my opinion.”

“Why not?” he said acidly. “You’re the person he wanted to put in the house.”

“Me?” she gasped. “Why would he want me down here?” It was a stupid question, of course. He hadn’t developed a liking for her. He had simply seen her as a tool to manipulate Alex. Only his idea of tempting her with a fine house hadn’t worked. No wonder he was upset in the stair room.

Blood raced up her neck to warm her cheeks. She felt violated. Alex had raced to her rescue because he knew she was too naïve to realize what his father was doing. Her face flamed as she thought of how it must have looked to Morino.

“I can take care of myself.” She said in a cool tone. “I didn’t need you to rescue me. We were on our way back.”

“Did he touch you?” he asked sharply.

“Alex!” she gasped. “He’s your father.”

“He’s a male,” Alex snapped, “and the fact that a woman is already married doesn’t discourage him. I’m living proof.”

Carmen let loose of his waist, moving away from the unclean thought. Señor Medena had never indicated such thoughts existed in his mind.

“Hold on before you fall off,” Alex snarled.

She clamped her arms around his waist again. Señor Medena had no romantic thoughts about her. Yet, what about the uneasy feeling she had today? There were so many emotions running below the surface of this family relationship. Surely Alex wasn’t blind to the manipulation going on with intent to keep him in Texas. That was all today amounted to - a manipulation. Tears stung her eyes. It was all her fault. Alex didn’t want to come down here. He had all the family he wanted in Arkansas. No wonder he had run away from this one. It was a good thing they were going home tomorrow. Now even their relationship was beginning to suffer.

Swiftly behind that thought came another. Alex was jealous. There was no reason for him to think his father might be romantically interested in her. As with Josh, he had simply assumed a relationship. Worse, he had again assumed she was a willing participant. No wonder he was so upset. Yet, it wasn’t fair. She was the one who had insisted on waiting until they were married. Other than an infatuation with Josh before she met Alex, there had been no one else. Not so with him. In fact, at the party he had spent an unnecessary amount of time with the woman he almost married - and hadn’t even introduced her.

By the time they reached the barn, she had a different perspective of the entire situation. When Alex lowered her to the ground, she jerked her hand free and marched off to the house. He’d be following shortly, trying to make it look like he was the injured party.

She climbed the stairs and entered their room. Jonathan was in his room watching television. He had been spending too much time with the television lately. That would change when they got home.

The door opened and Alex stepped into the room. His solemn gaze roved over her face and landed on her eyes with an unspoken question.

She headed for the door, ignoring the question.

He reached out and grasped her arm as she walked by. “Where are you going?”

She stopped, her cool gaze meeting his. “I’m going down to get Destiny.”

“You’re angry with me.” It wasn’t a question, but a flat statement.

Angry wasn’t the correct word for what she felt. She met his gaze defiantly.

“I’m disappointed in you.”

He flinched visibly as if she had slapped him, his fingers tightening on her arm.


She gently twisted her arm free. “I have to go get Destiny.”

She left him there to think about his actions – only he would probably stew on hers instead. What made a man so distrustful? Sure, he’d had some rough times, but she had never done anything to make him think she would be unfaithful. He was making noises like his father was the one he didn’t trust, but it wasn’t that simple. If he trusted her, he wouldn’t have been snapping at her as if she had done something wrong. He hadn’t said anything to his father.

He was right. She was angry.

She found Felipa and Destiny in the dining room where they were having an ice cream snack. They talked for a few minutes and then Carmen left to take Destiny to their room. She wasn’t looking forward to being in the room with Alex right now – especially so with the children there to listen.

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